Ohio Laws Cover a Broader Definition of Emotional Support Animals!

Ohio laws have a more elaborated definition for disability and ESA as compared to Federal Laws. Read below to understand.

Getting an Ohio Emotional Support Animal

Getting an Ohio Emotional Support Animal

With the increasing amount of stressing factors in the World today, the number of people suffering from emotional and mental disabilities has increased tremendously over time.

A person with an officially diagnosed mental and emotional issue can easily qualify for an Ohio emotional support animal.

Some of the traditional emotional support animals, such as cats and dogs, are considered as the best Ohio emotional support animals. They work to reduce the symptoms of various psychological and mental disabilities.

According to the laws that deal with emotional support animals, no specialized training is required for an ESA. They need only the basic training of behaving in a public setting.

Protection of Emotional Support Animals in Ohio

Same as the Federal Law, Ohio laws instruct the landlords to give access to emotional support animals in housing complexes without charging any extra fee.

The laws also allow people with officially diagnosed mental and emotional disabilities to bring their emotional support animals on the airplanes and workplaces to increase functionality.

Disabilities That Qualify for an ESA in Ohio

A greater range of protection is provided for individuals with diagnosed emotional and mental instabilities by the Ohio laws than the Federal laws.

Ohio laws define disability more vastly as compared to Americans with Disability Act. According to Ohio law, a disability is when major life activities start getting compromised. The disability can be any from mental, psychological, intellectual, clinical, or learning disabilities that result in compromising the daily life activities.

Major life activities are all those social, mental, and physical activities that contribute to the functions of everyday living.  Any misuse or abuse of drugs or crimes are not considered as disabilities under the Ohio law.

Landlords and Ohio Laws for Emotional Support Animals

Landlords are not allowed to charge any extra money from individuals that have an official emotional support animal with them. A pet deposit is not required for allowing access to the emotional support animal.

Landlords are allowed to ask for the proof of disability, meaning an official ESA letter to see if the individual is legitimate or not but cannot go in-depth of a person’s individual.

The landlord is only allowed to ask for documents relevant to their processing and requirements.

More About Ohio ESA



The Ohio laws define disability broader than the Americans with Disability Act. It includes anything that hinders the major daily life activities as a disability.


Emotional support animals are not to be charged with any extra fee to keep the ESA in the building. The landlords are also not allowed to ask any extra information.



Under the Ohio laws, the ESA are well-protected along with their keepers. Emotional support animals are allowed in all public places and “No-pet” areas.

Disabilities That Qualify for an Emotional Support Animal in Ohio

According to the Ohio laws, any physical or mental disorder that hinders the easy performance of significant life tasks is a disability. If a person cannot perform vital activities like talking, walking, or socializing, then he/she is considered as disabled.